The Critic|all Conference is a place and an event. A place because it is an academic meeting point for researchers, teachers and architects interested in architectural culture and criticism, and an event because the forum that takes place during those days generates a fruitful knowledge, where the intellectual and scientific impulse is higher than the sum of the valuable individual contributions.


Our aim is to set a preliminary platform to launch an item, to call a theme, to forge some early reflections which allow the settling and binding of the topics that organize the sessions of each edition of the conference.

Although its environment is linked to the activities of the Architectural Design Department of Madrid School of Architecture ETSAM-UPM, it has a clear international vocation. Therefore, since 2020 we started a new phase in which each edition is organized in collaboration with a partner university. The fifth edition of the conference will be co-organized with the Department of Architecture of TU Delft.







